Monday, July 25, 2011

The President's Debt Ceiling Speech and the Reply

So, Boehner is lying, manipulating, scum. Just wanted to get that off of my chest. 

Here are some things that Boehner said that so thoroughly pissed me off:

First, he said that the House passed the cut, cap, and balance bill with bipartisan support - yeah if you count FIVE democrats voting for it and NINE republicans voting against it as bipartisan. Every other Democrat voted against it and every other Republican voted for it! It should have been developed in a bipartisan way and then a lot more representatives might have voted for it (in a REAL bipartisan way).

Next, he said that he has being trying to work with President Obama since January on"something that will boost confidence in our economy, renew a measure of faith in our government, and help small businesses get back on track." Well, I'm pretty sure if you had really tried then we wouldn't be sitting here at the last moment with the House Republicans taking America's credit rating hostage! How much confidence and faith do you think you have restored by deciding to play politics with our financial future at the last minute Mr. Boehner? You have waited until this moment so you could use this as leverage and not have to give up anything!  That's what happens when you invent a crisis - you get to force others to avoid the crisis so that you get what you want.

Of the cut, cap, balance plan, he said: "It CUTS and CAPS government spending and paves the way for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, which we believe is the best way to stop Washington from spending money it doesn't have. Before we even passed the bill in the House, the President said he would veto it." I guess you forgot to talk to the SENATE because they sure as shit didn't pass it! Maybe, if the House had developed the legislation in a bipartisan way, the president would have signed it - just like he was willing to do with a grand deal or the gang of six plan! The President established the Bowles-Simpson commission to solve our debt program in 2010, before the tea partiers even got to congress! 

Next he said: "The president has often said we need a 'balanced' approach -- which in Washington means: we spend more, you pay more." This is political maneuvering, not to mention flat out lying! Let me say this again: THE PRESIDENT HAS AGREED TO MAKE DRASTIC CUTS, but to make it a balanced plan he has requested REVENUE INCREASES!That's what it means when the President says a "balanced approach."

His next piece of wisdom: "You see, there is no stalemate in Congress." BULLSHIT, Boehner obviously needs to go back to 9th grade government class and learn that there are TWO houses of congress - the House and the Senate! The Senate isn't passing anything that the House is sending because it is too radical. The House is the mob rule body, and the Senate is the deliberative and compromising body. There IS a stalemate in congress.

And finally he said: "If the President signs it, the 'crisis' atmosphere he has created will simply disappear." Huh? What is this you say? Why do I feel like a vein is about to burst in my forehead? Before the Republicans got a hold on the nations credit card in 2001 we were on track to pay off our debt by this year! We would have been able to use even more government spending to stimulate the economy and still be relatively safe! Also, I do not believe that the President is the one who turned a regular process into a hostage situation. I also do not believe the President is one of the Representatives who have declared that they will not vote to raise the debt ceiling under any circumstances.

Attention all readers, please conduct a BLOG-RANT of your own! It is high time that Democrats become the party of intolerance toward these kinds of lies. The Republicans protect their buddies in big business, its time that we stand up for each other!

- Cory Lowe

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