Monday, June 20, 2011

Shut Your Face Award of the Week

The Shut Your Face Award Goes To...

"They have set fires because they want to signal others, they have set fires to keep warm, and they have set fires in order to divert law enforcement agents and agencies from them."

I know that's a hanging quotation, normally I don't do that, but in this case... I must. John McCain once again makes a strong accusation and follows suit with other republicans fishing for American's emotional strings. What's more powerful than the image of America burning? I doubt any image could invoke stronger emotions than the image of America burning.
America wake up and start thinking! Mexicans are not responsible for the wildfires in Arizona and New Mexico. They are not trying to divert law enforcement agents, they have not started fires to keep warm, and they are not signaling other undocumented people. 

The absurdity of this incident is comparable with the absurdity of Pat Robertson or Robinson (I can't remember his name... the one on the 700 club) blaming Katrina on homosexuals. The absurdity of McCain's statement is the absurdity of Herr Hitler and his party blaming Jews for recession in Germany. The absurdity of McCain's statement is the absurdity of blaming the Spanish for the Influenza pandemic of 1918.

Thankfully, experts have stated that the fire began at a campsite after an uncontained campfire got out of hand. If that were not the case, it could have started from a lightning strike, or from a ciggy butt that some fool (like me) threw out a car window.

McCain's accusations do nothing but bolster the recreation of Jim Crow in this country. He's trying to separate a race of people from the "real Americans." John McCain, for this reason I give you my Shut Your Face Award! Good job! Don't keep up the good work!
Shut Your Face....

Christopher McAbee

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